日本環境会議 >>> APNEC >>> PROGRAM of APNEC-6 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
PROGRAM of APNEC-6 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
November 2 (Saturday)
<Opening Ceremony>
Welcome Address: President Shui-pien CHEN, Taiwan
Welcome Speech:Mayor Frank Shieh of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Keynote Speech
1.The past decade of the “Asia-Pacific NGOs' Environmental
Conference (APNEC) / Council (AEC) and its future:
Prof. AWAJI Takehisa (President, Japan Environmental Council, JEC)
2.Impact of armed conflict on environment:A comparative analysis:
Surya P. S. DHUNGEL (Chief, Legal Assistance Unit, UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights in Cambodia, Nepal)
<Video Program>:
RCA Pollution Case in Taiwan:Public Television Service Foundation (Taiwan)
<The 21st Japan Environmental Conference>
<NGOs' Exhibition>
<Session 1-A>: Water Management
Co-chairs: Prof. NAGAI Susumu and Prof. Wen K. SHIEH
1.A study on market based instruments for managing environmental quality
in Bangladesh: In the context of urban (municipal) solid waste, drinking
water and irrigation water management
Aminur RAHMAN (Associate Professor, Economics School of Business, Independent University, Bangladesh)
2.Integrated urban river management via a web-based hydroinformatic system.
Yang-Chi CHANG (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
3.Water resource pricing in Taiwan
Yen-Lien KUO and Tze-Wen Chi(Associate Professor,Dep.of Environmental Management,Chaoyang University of Tecnology.Taiwan)
4.What watershed science can play a role in developing integrated water resources management in Taiwan? A NGO perspective
Chia-Lun Nina LEE (Taiwan Watch Institute, Taiwan)
<Session 1-B>: Ocean and Coastal Management
Co-chairs: Prof. UI Jun and Dr. Nien-Tzu A. HU
1.Global climate change and the fisheries production
KAWASAKI Tsuyoshi (Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University, Japan)
2.Daming and its potential impact on productivities beyond the estuaries: the case of Three Gorges
Chen-Tung Arthur CHEN (Professor, Graduate Institute of Marine Geology and Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
3.Improving the aquatic environment in semi-closed areas through biological applications
CHOU Loke Ming and Z. JAAFAR (Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
4.Does Mussel Watch work?: Selection of bioindicators for monitoring marine environmental quality in the Bay of Fundy, Atlantic Canada:
Chiu L. CHOU (Marine Environmental Sciences Division, Bedford
Institute of Oceanography, Canada)
<Session 1-C>: Wetlands Conservation
Co-chairs:Prof.Kim Jung-Wk and Dr.Wen-Yan Chiau
1.Wetlands conservation in Asia and activities of NGOs.
NAKAMURA Reiko (Secretary-Geneeral, Ramsar Center Japan, Japan)
2.Korea's coastal wetlands: Problems and conservation movements
Keun Bae YU (Associate Dean, College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea)
3.Development of constructed wetlands for water pollution control in Taiwan
Lei Yang and Wen-Yan Chiau(Professor,Dep.of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University,Taiwan)
<Session 2-A>:National Use and Urban Environment
Co-chiars: Prof. Phang Kooi YAU and Prof. Chen-Tung Arthur CHEN
1.A critical review of the legal framework for land planning in Japan
KATO Hisakazu (Professor, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan)
2.Case study of air pollution monitoring using passive sampler in Korea
Sun-Tae KIM (Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Daejeon University, Korea)
3.Present and future of the trans-boundary air pollution issue in Asia: Analysis
of acidification mitigation measures through Japan-China Cooperation
ASUKA-ZHANG Shouchuan (Jusen) (The Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, Japan)
4.West Lake Field Museum planning, Hangzhou, China, 1998-2002: For improving local environment where Chinese people live and work in their landscapes
TAKAHASHI Katsuhiko (Editor, Japan Amenity Research Center, Japan)
<Session 2-B>:Biodiversity
Chairs: Prof. ISOZAKI Hiroji and Prof. Yao-sung LIN
1.The Australia State's tangled web: The indeterminacy of policy formulation on biodiversity
Stuart ROSEWARNE (Senior Lecturer, Political Economy, School of Economic and Political, University of Sydney, Australia)
2.Asia brown cloud and biodiversity
Fu-Shiang CHIA (Professor Emeritus, Biology, University of Alberta, Canada)
3.Strategic planning for a wetlands conservation greenway and the west coast of Taiwan
Hwey-Lian HSUEN, Chang-Po CHEN and Yaw-Yuan LIN (Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
4.Ex situ conservation of Taiwan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus)
Jin-Chywan GWO, Meng-Chieh KUO and Lin-Yen LIAO (Dept. of Aquaculture, Taiwan National Ocean University, Taiwan)
5.Conservation of medicinal plants using indigenous knowledge
Michael BENGWAYAN (Director, Project Pine Tree, Philippines)
<Session 2-C>: Wetlands and Public Awareness
Chairs: Dr. Bashiru M. KOROMA and Ms. NAKAMURA Reiko
1.Legislative reform for good governance through popular participation in the sustainable development of wetlands
Amado S. TOLENTINO, Jr. (Ambassador to Papua New Guinea and Qatar, Philippines; Executive Governor of the International Council of Environmental Law)
2.Public awareness campaign on the wetland benefits and Ramsar Convention at Thale Noi, Phatthalung Province, Thailand's first Ramsar Site
Chin BUABAN, Asae Sayaka, Sita Pholpoke (Thailand)
3.Integration of peoples, knowledge on water and river management in southwest coastal region of Bangladesh
Ashraf-ul-Alam TUTU (Coordinator, Coastal Development Partnership, Bangladesh)
<AEC Board Member Meeting at Chinatrust Hotel>
November 3 (Sunday)
<Session 3-A>:Green Energy and Environmental Management
Co-chairs: Dr. Aminur RAHMAN. and Prof. Chiu L. CHOU
1.Nuke Issues in Taiwan
To-far WONG (Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Economics, National Taipei University, Taiwan)
2.The green house gas emission in agricultural sector in South Korea and strategies toward sustainability
Jung Wk KIM (Dean, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Korea)
3.The Emission Trading and Integration of the Voluntary Approach to the Legal System in Europe: Lesson for Taiwan
Li-chun CHEN (Associate Professor, Yanachuchi University, Japan)
4.The Kawasakian model of environmental regeneration
OZAKI Hironao (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Tokyo, Japan) and YOKEMOTO Masafumi (Associate Professor, Graduate School, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan)
<Session 3-B>:Waste Management
Co-chairs: Prof. Jung Wk KIM and Prof. Stuart ROSEWARNE
1.Dioxin-contaminated residents around an industrial waste incinerator in Korea.
Eui Sun YOO (Research Fellow, Citizens' Institute for Environmental Studies, Korea)
2.The Problems of Incinerators in Taiwan
George Chen and Herlin Shieh(Executive Director,Taiwan Watch Institute,Taiwan)
3.Mining and Its Environmental Damage
HATA Akio (Professor, Osaka City University, Japan)
4.Toxic chemicals in Vietnam War and the Korean victims
Kyung-soo CHUN (Professor, College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea)
5.International Trade in Recyclable Wastes
KOJIMA Michikazu (Reseracher, Insititute of Developing Economies, JETRO, Japan)
<Session 3-C>:Wise Use of Wetlands
Co-chairs: Amb. Amado TOLENTINO and Prof. Lee-Hsing FANG
1.Conservation of wetlands biodiversity in Nepal: Practices,Problems and
Mohan SIWAKOTI (IUCN Nepal, Nepal)
2.The importance of the conservation of estuaries, which have a recruitment mechanism for fish resources
TAKITA Toru (Professor Emeritus, Nagasaki University, Japan)
3.Development of constructed wetlands for water pollution control in Taiwan
Lei YANG and Wen-Yan Chiau (Professor, Dept. of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
3.A primary study on the evaluation of stream ecological engineering from the point of design principles in Taiwan
Hsien-Po TANG and Ming-Hsien LEE(Professor, Dept. of Landscape, Chung-Hua University, Taiwan)
<Session 4-A>:Regional Environmental Issues
Co-chairs: Prof. Keun Bae Yu and Dr.Surya Dhungel
1.Local reform for community forest and fisheries management in Kampong Speu and Kampong Chnnang
Bashiru M. KOROMA (Researcher, Human Security and Regional Development Project, United Nations, Tokyo, Japan)
2.The Anti-U.S. base movement in Korea: Korean environmental report on the U.S. Base
Je Nam KIM (Secretary General, Green Korea United, Korea)
3.About the Construction of a New Large Scale US Military Base in Okinawa
KAWASE Mituyshi(Professor,University of Shizuoka,Japan) and TADATOMO Keishi(Associate Professor,Shiga University, Japan)
4.Postwar Japan's System for Helping Air Pollution Victims, and the System's Problems
OHTA Terutomo (Director, The Japan Air Pollution Victims Association)
5.Grassroots Indicators as a “Sustainable Window" to Watch Urban Taiwan:Perspectives of Environmental Sociology
Juju C. S. WANG (Professor, Chi Hua University, Taiwan)
6.Chem storm:Taiwan Coustic An-Shun Plant
Huann-Jang HWANG (Associate Professor, Dept, of Nursing, Chung Hwa College of Medical Technology, Taiwan)
<Session 4-B>:Community Education
Co-chairs: Prof. CHOU Loke Ming and Dr.Mohan IWAKOTI
1.The community based education for environment: a case of Kaohsiung Community University
Hsien-Hua LEE (Chairman, Dept. of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
2.Sustainability education for community colleges: the environmental program of Taipei's Community Colleges
Yung-Jaan LEE (Professor, Dept. of Architecture and Urban Design, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
3.Strategical coalition among NGOs, communitiy, university and governmental agency on river pollution cleanup projects in Taiwan: the case of Erhjen River and Chiangchun River
Kenny Horng (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Occupational Safety and Health, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan)
4.Development of environmental education programme in Taiwan: The Society of Wilderness's experiences
Rao TUG and Vincent Y.Chen( Society of Wilderness, Taiwan)
<Session 5-A>: Public-private Partnership
Chair: Dr. Surya DHUNGEL and Dr. Michel Shiao
1.Environmental Law-making with public-private participation
Reselita C. PALOMA (Committee Secretary, Committee on Ecology, House of Representatives, Quezon City, Philippines)
2.Environmental education through mothers' group and school children: NGO's perspective
Kamala Kumari ACHARYA (President, Women in Environment, Nepal)
3.Environmental partnership between NGOs and GOs in Taiwan Area
Ming-Huang LIANG (Associate Professor, Tung-Hwa University, Taiwan)
4.A study on public-private partnership mechanism for urban environmental management in Taiwan
Cheng-Yi LIN (Research Assistant, Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan)
<Session 5-B>:Role of NGOs and Environmental Education
Co-chairs: Prof. Jung Wk KIM and Prof. Yung-Jaan LEE
1.The changing role of Korea environmental NGOs' in Korea water resource development policy decision-making processes ?
A case study of the cancellation of the Dong-gang Dam Construction Project
He-young KIM (M.Phil candidate, King's College Geography University of London, Korea)
2.Investigating NGOs' roles in environmental education: The case of Homemakers' Union and Foundation
Jinn-Guey LAY and Yu-Wen CHEN (Professor, Dept. of Geography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
3.Implementation of citizen participation mechanism for the improvement of public spaces: Neighborhood improvement program at Taipei
Pao-Chi SUNG (Engineer, Taipei City Government, Taiwan)
<Penal Discussion>:Follow-up of WSSD
Chair: Dr. Jiunn-rong YEH (Honorable Minister of State, Executive Yuan, Taiwan)
Amb. Amado TOLENTINO (Philippines)
Dr. Michael SHIAO (Taiwan)
Dr. Jung Wk KIM (Asia-Pacific Environmental Council, Korea)
Prof. ISONO Yayoi (Japan Environmental Council, Japan)
Dr. ISOZAKI Hiroji (Ramsar Center Japan, Japan)
Dr. Nien-Tzu A. HU (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
Dr. Juju C. S. WANG (TANGO, Taiwan)
Dr. Yung-Jaan LEE (Taiwan)
Dr. Stuart ROSEWARNE (University of Sydney, Australia).
Dr. Surya P. S. DHUNGEL (Nepal)
<Conclusions and Kaohsiung Declaration>
Prof. KATO Hisakazu (Japan)
<Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony>
Minister Jiunn-rong YEH (Taiwan)
Mayor Frank SHIEH of Kaohsiung City (Taiwan)
Dr. Jung Wk KIM (AEC)
Dr. Wen-Yan CHIAU (Taiwan)
Representative of host country of APNEC-7
November 4 (Monday):
<Field trips>
Group A:
National Aquarium of Marine Biology and Kenting National Park (Pingtung County,
in the south tip of Taiwan)
Group B:
Polluted Yenshui Estuary and Habitat of Black-faced Spoon Bill at Chigu Lagoon
(Tainan County, in the North of Kaohsiung City)